Vince Rowe

Vince Rowe

Seeing the tiny details and the big picture since year dot.

Property showcase site, teaser #1

Teaser 4

Over the next few days we will be building to our launch of our latest property showcase site. We are going to be posting hints of images as well as tips and ideas that we came up with while working through the IA and design stages. Then in the following week we will be concentrating on development tips around some of the more technical items that were implemented to aid in this showcase site.

So to get everything going in the right direction here is a taster of the IA stages. More will be released over the next few days so keep your eyes peeled!

Vince Rowe

Runner, Triathlete, Ale drinker and Agency owner.
London Design Works.

Have been joyfully building sites for nearly 20 years, that should make me feel old, but I choose to say - wise. Things have moved on a lot since those early sites, they have moved on a lot since we started the agency, and they have probably moved on since I wrote this sentence. Its the world we're in, and its fantastic.

More posts in: Design

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Everyday UX / UXD / UED..

..or whatever you want to call it today.

Colour theory

Colour wheel basics

The colour wheel is comprised of 12 core colours or hues. Learning how to use this wheel can help make those art directed choices.

Teaser 4

Property showcase site, teaser #1

Over the next few days we will be building to our launch of our latest property showcase site.

2014 web design trends

6 web design trends to look out for in 2014

This month, we have have decided to round up some trends appearing online for 2014.

Brand pack

Freebie: The London Design Works 35 piece icon set

Today we are pleased to feature a set of 35 useful and beautiful web site icons.